Home > Awareness > Nine hundreds seconds on stage in Berlin

When we were in Serbia this August to have the Ecocamp 2013 in Tara National Park, Simon approached me at some point asking “Ey Sasi, let’s apply for this nine hundred second presentation in Berlin!” Of course, I had no clue what he was talking about. Nine hundred seconds? Presentation? In Berlin? But I responded: “Okay, let’s do it!” So we recorded a short application video and a couple of weeks later we were in Berlin at the Youth Media Festival 2013. This once again showed me that no matter what you apply for, as long as your application is outstanding in regards to creativity, commitment and self-confidence, you’ll get what you want!
Nine hundred seconds. Or in other words: fifteen minutes. Not much time to fit in everything we wanted to present – our project in South Africa in 2012, the Ecocamp in Serbia and because it was a festival about media, journalism and modern communication, we also had to talk about how we deal with social media or newspapers. Obviously Mike, the Pangaea Young Explorers Program and our follow up association, the Pangaea Project, had to be included, too. Hence, strict and accurate time management was required. Simon’s idea was to have a mix of video sequences and photos constantly being displayed on the screen behind us and we would not divide the talk into two parts but both be present throughout the whole presentation. That was not an easy task… We had to know exactly who would say what at which time, since it had to fit to the slides behind us. And well, we managed. Apart from one little blackout, when I forgot a small part and said something I was only supposed to mention a couple of sentences later. But looking back, this was good as it interrupted out constant flow of speaking and we just quickly stopped the video. And we were back in time.
Even though we had imagined the event to be bigger, it was still a success and several people want to participate in our future projects. And actually this can be seen as only the dress rehearsal for the big presentation Jule, Simon and I will give on Freiburg’s MUNDOlogia festival on the 9th of February. Get your tickets now for listening to first-hand experiences from the New Zealand, Magnetic North Pole and Florida expedition and our projects in Serbia and South Africa!


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