Home > Brazil Tree Planting

In July 2016 we initiated together with local partners an environmental tree planting project on the Almada farm in the region of Bahia. On the one hand we planted hundreds of trees to send a positive signal against the increasing and continuing deforestation in the ancestral rainforest of Mata Atlantica. There, landowners clear and burn the areas in order to plant monocultures and create space for cattle.

On the other hand we raised awareness for the importance of biodiversity and agroforestry, not only for the global climate but also for local communities. The rainforest sustains the livelihoods of people with its plethora of plants and animals. We also held workshops about living with and from nature and explored together the beauty of Bahia!

In the next years we will continue working with Fazenda Almada and the NGO AMAP, and send volunteers to participate in the tree planting and awareness raising effort.

The coastal rainforest Mata Atlantica belongs to the most biodiverse regions of the world and reforestation is crucial to preserve this unique ecosystem and send a signal to change recent destructive developments. Furthermore, the Gold-headed Lion Tamarin is endemic to this South American rainforest and a rare species close to extinction due to its shrinking habitat. By reforesting this piece of land we can help to grow the habitat of this vulnerable animal.


The Mata Atlantica forest is home to a rich diversity of life and has drastically diminished.

For updates, pictures and videos read our blog . We are much looking forward to receiving your comments, inspiration and feedback, also on our facebook account.