Home > Blogg > Pangaea Project > “Neuwald” – Brazil Tree Planting

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This summer 2016 we will plant pioneer trees on the Almadafarm near Illhéus in Brazil in order to help and accelerate reforestation in a volatile region. The coastal rainforest Mata Atlantica belongs to the most biodiverse regions of the world and reforestation is crucial to preserve this unique ecosystem and send a signal to change recent destructive developments. Furthermore, the Gold-headed Lion Tamarin (the monkey on the image) is endemic to this South American rainforest and a rare species close to extinction due to its shrinking habitat. By reforesting this piece of land we can help to grow the habitat of this vulnerable animal.

The owner of the farm turned 80 hectares of land that used to be cattle run into an official private nature reserve (reserva legal). The longterm plan is to reforest the entire 80 hectares. Our tree planting project will be the first of its kind on this farm and serve as a kick-off for future reforestation on the farm and hopefully its surroundings.

Our team consists of European as well as South American members and we are planning to involve local students and communities in the project through workshops, planting together and experience sharing.

We motivate young people and all participants to get active by sharing our progress and our experiences with blog entries, short videos and photos on social media and to increase awareness for the importance of biodiversity. The project will be an inspiration for further work in nature protection and reforestation.

photo: Markus Mauthe

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