Home > Event > Rebuilding schools and futures in Nepal – Project
01 July, 2015
Nepal, Join us

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After the devastating earthquake in Nepal it’s now upon us to act!

Please continue to support our crowdfunding campaign at


to help rebuild schools and futures.

Education is the key for recovering and for fighting poverty!

Many children have been affected and we have to make sure that they will soon be back to school. Most schools in the remote epicenter area are heavily destroyed or have completely been washed off the mountain. A good friend, Rahul Rauniyar, the director of the International Asian Medical Student Association, who has been involved in the emergency response process from the beginning has visited the remote and worst affected area in the Langtang District of Nepal.

Together with him we, the highly motivated people behind Pangaea Project e.V. want to rebuild [a] school[s] in the Langtang Village. The money will go directly to our local contacts, who will then initiate the rebuilding of a school.

We will head to Nepal this summer and start coordinating with the local stakeholders – More information will follow soon.