Home > Event > New Year’s celebration and annual general meeting
31 December, 2014
Kletterhütte Pardutz, Grüscherälplis, Switzerland, Join us

Join us:

The year 2014 is coming to an end and another exciting year is lying ahead of us! To share our memories of the past year and celebrate the start of 2015 adequately we invite all of our members to our New Year’s celebration in Switzerland! Apart from enjoying snowy hikes in the mountains and having cheese fondue in the evening we will discuss future projects and reflect on previous ones. If you’re interested in joining us for these surely extraordinary days* please contact Constantin (constantin@pangaeaproject.org) and fill in the Doodle (http://doodle.com/h5munpitibw6z7pd).
We’re excited to see all of you and enjoy the mountains together!
*Pangaea Project will not cover expenses.