Home > Event > Meeting and “feeling energy” in Groningen, NL
05 June, 2014
Groningen, Netherlands, Join us

Join us:

Most Pangaea members probably adore the mountains, but: it is time to step outside your comfort zone!

The Netherlands are not only flat, but full of water, history and culture. You are invited to find out yourself in GRONINGEN in the very north of the country between June 5 and 9.

Preliminary program (changes can occur).
June 5: arrive in Groningen and city tour
June 6: Visit to windpark in Eemshaven and workshop on Energy. Presentation of Pangaea Project
June 7: Groningen Grachten Challenge (swimming in the canal, raise awareness for water quality) and water- related activities. Leave by kajak for the North Sea
June 8: hike in the Waddenzee to an island in the North Sea and possibly windsurf
June 9: leave Groningen

So, stay tuned.

Where: Camping stadspark

How much?: keep costs as little as possible: ca. for four days 60€ in total.

Why? Meet your old peers and meet new friends. Get to know the North of the Netherlands and the North Sea. Learn about energy and/ or water-related topics.

How to get to Groningen?

          Bus. From Germany there is the Public Express leaving straight from Oldenburg and Bremen (www.publicexpress.de)

          Train. In NL not expensive. There are daytickets for approx 17 euros. Ask at the platform for people going to Groningen, you can travel with them and their OV-Chipcard with 40% reduction

          Plane.  The airports of Amsterdam, Groningen, Bremen are well reachable

          Hitchhiking: the Dutch are marvelous people, willing to take young persons

          Car:The Netherlands posseses a good roads infrastructure.

          Bike: if you want to make it the true Dutch style.

To sign up please send an email to ansgar.fellendorf@hotmail.com) as soon as possible with the details of the stay.
We are looking forward to seeing you!