In the beginning we were only a few YE’s, then the peer leaders joined us and now we are complete as the kids from the primary school arrived at lunch time.
Now it was the peer leaders turn to take responsibility and lead the team building activities!
The last couple of days they were still quite shy sometimes when we Yeps were around but now they behave completely different! Now they are the older ones, the ones who know how everything works here, the cooking, the camping, the morning exercises, the campfire. The peer leaders were suddenly so confident, open and working together as a big team to take care of the younger kids!
Before the kids arrived, the peer leaders were split up into groups again: one group hiked to another view point to paint more benches, the other group stayed back at the campsite and did brainstorming about future projects and small actions in Kraljevo. They came up with some great ideas and especially the ones that are normally rather quiet strongly participated in the discussion and had the chance to say their opinion.
We’re very much looking forward to the action week in Kraljevo where we’ll have a big clean up of the river bank, some presentations in the schools and hopefully a massive flashmob on the main square of the town!