“Morning exercise in five minutes! ” the first tired faces appear at the tent doors. Maybe the peer leaders regret the late night yesterday! We started the day with a slow run in the hills around the camp. The peer leaders have different fitness levels, so we had to split up in two groups, everyone gave his or her best! Everyone suggested some stretches and we ran back to the camp in a slow pace.
The sun already provided us with heat, therefor we decided to hike to the lake for a swim. Kerstin found a really nice footpath through the forest the day before. From time to time we had a fantastic view over the turquoise lake surrounded by dark green forests. This path was an adventure for the peer leaders as it was steep and right through dense woods and high grass.
At the lake everyone went for a swim and the girls washed their hair in plastic bowls which was great fun for everyone! Three of the Yeps swam to the other side of the lake and back, it was quite hard as there was a strong current and a few waves but it felt great to have a nice workout!
After a two hours hike back to the camp we just arrived in time before the rain and thunderstorm hit us.
Preparing dinner was up to the peer leaders as a first exercise of group leading and team work. The result was an incredibly delicious dinner which we ate in one of the big tents because the rain got really strong and the thunderstorm was right above us.
Therefore everyone went to bed early to start the next day with another morning run led by Nora and Jule.